Showing posts with label paper sculpture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paper sculpture. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Inspiration for my Next Project

It is my second week in The Malthouse Design Centre and I am already full of inspiration for my next design project. I have always been intrigued by the 3 dimensional forms and structures which 2 dimensional flat sheet material has the ability to become. This was the basis behind the collection of furniture I designed and made for my final year Design Thesis.
From simplistic Geometrical forms to Origami, Kirigami and Sliceforms, having the ability to create a form from flat sheet material creates structures which appear complex but in essence are quiet simple in design, contsruction and structure. Through this approach of creating form, a curiosity and interest in design is created for the viewer. Below are some of the most inspirational scupltures and structures designed and created using this approach.
For regular updates throughout my conceptual developement click follow on the right hand side of this post.


Design Thesis Furniture Collection

Paper Sculptures designed by Richard Sweeney

Paper and Wooden Sculptures by George Hart

Sliceforms designed by John Sharp